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The world is so full of wonderful things. This book teaches children that they should take time to love and appreciate what each day brings.
Aladdin is surprised when his long-lost uncle Hasan appears at his door one day. He needs Aladdin to help him find a magic lamp, hidden deep in a dark cave. But Aladdin is afraid that once he is in there, Hasan will never let him out again!
Meet Alan, an alligator with a secret. Famed for his big, scary teeth, he sneaks into the jungle every day to scare the jungle animals… “I’m big, scary Alan! Fear my razor-sharp teeth!” But after a long day of scaring, Alan likes nothing better than to run a warm mud bath and take out his false teeth, which […]
Brothers Ali Baba and Kassim are opposites. Ali Baba is kind and poor and Kassim is rich and mean. When Ali Baba spies forty thieves hiding treasure in a cave, he only takes a little for himself. But Kassim is greedy, and soon the thieves are on their trail!
This is a modern picture-book classic – there’s never a dull moment with the Large family! Mr and Mrs Large are getting ready for the office dinner-dance. But with Lester, Laura, Luke and the baby around, they’ll be lucky to get out of the house all in one piece!
Beowulf is determined to become a hero by slaying the evil beast, Grendel. The monster has been terrorising the chieftain, Rothgar, by killing his men every night – and leaving behind nothing but blood. Can Beowulf defeat Grendel, and bring peace to the land?
Stanley and his friends are exploring a mysterious cave. It’s such fun, but then they see lots of strange shadows. Oh no! It must be a cave monster.
He wants to belong to all of them. To any of them. Elephant Club, Lion Club, he just wants to belong. And he tries so hard to fit in so he can – kids will love pointing out in the illustrations just exactly how he tries – a curly wig, dark glasses – but it […]
Cinderella loves to dance, so when a special invitation comes to the Prince’s Ball, she can’t wait! But will poor Cinders get to swap her broom for a ball-gown and dance the night away?
Baby Duck faces the world with a cheery smile, one foot in front of the other, especially on the day of his very first swim. His beloved teddy tucked under his arm, he goes to the pond with his mother and two sisters. Once there, though, the fledgling is frozen with fear. The water’s too […]
The Greatest Adventures in the World: David and Goliath by Tony Bradman David is very upset when he is not allowed to join his older brothers to fight the Philistines. He might be the youngest, but he is no longer a little boy. When he finally gets his chance, he is determined to make it […]
Welcome to Toy School! Take out your pencils, it’s time to learn how to be the perfect toy. It’s the first day of term at Toy School and teacher Emily Peppermint has a new class all ready to learn how to be perfect toys. The first lesson is falling out of a pram, but the […]
Follow the naughty Goldilocks into the house of the three bears, and see what happens when they come home and find her!
Gulliver loves to travel. But when he is swept overboard from a ship, and finds himself tied up in a land populated by tiny people, he realises some adventures aren’t quite as much fun as they should be. Can Gulliver escape the clutches of the tiny Lilliputians?
The combination of lovingly humorous and detailed mixed-media illustrations and infectious rhymes will cause little ones and their families to pore over this book again and again. Happy in Our Skin is a realistic fiction book by Fran Manushkin and is all about a variety of kids who are taken care of by their familiy. This book […]
Bouquets of babies sweet to hold: cocoa-brown, cinnamon, and honey gold. Ginger-coloured babies, peaches and cream, too – splendid skin for me, splendid skin for you! A delightfully rhythmical read-aloud text is paired with bright, bustling art from the award-winning Lauren Tobia, illustrator of Anna Hibiscus, in this joyful exploration of the new skin of babyhood. […]